Powerful Tools for Caregivers: Case Studies

8/9/2012 12:00:00 AM

It is now well known that caregivers face multiple challenges.

Research shows high rates of depression and anxiety among caregivers, and increased vulnerability to health problems. Caregivers often report the feeling that they have no control over events. The sense of powerlessness can have a significant negative impact on caregivers’ physical and emotional health. Lack of time for personal activities and a diminished social life are also frequently cited as problems faced by caregivers.

The Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) program is an educational resource that empowers caregivers to address these challenges more effectively. One of the main goals of the program is to help caregivers to thrive as individuals.

Since the program began in 1998, PTC has reached over 70,000 caregivers, and over 1,700 Class Leaders have been trained in 30 states.

The program is divided into six weekly classes, during which caregivers develop a wide range of self-care tools designed to help reduce personal stress; change negative self-talk; better communicate their needs to family members and healthcare/service providers; communicate more effectively in challenging situations; recognize the messages in their emotions, and cope with difficult emotions. This educational program also supports caregivers in making tough caregiving decisions such as nursing home placements, driving issues, or finances.

The class design emphasizes hands-on learning, experiential activities, peer support, and facilitated group discussion. Participating caregivers create independent action plans and as part of the group, practice new techniques, try out communication strategies and learn practical tips.

The benefits of stress management tools such as breathing for relaxation, listening to music, and seeking out humor are encouraged.

Class participants receive a copy of The Caregiver Helpbook, a user-friendly workbook developed specifically for the course. This book is also an excellent stand-alone resource for those caregivers who may be unable to participate in a class.

A great deal of research, evaluation and revision has been done to ensure its continued value and success. A summary of course evaluations indicates a number of positive outcomes such as:

- Improved self-care behaviors

- Reduced anger, guilt and depression

- More self-confidence in coping with caregiving demands

- Increased use of community services

Caregivers from many different backgrounds have benefitted from the 6-week class, including caregivers from rural areas, ethnic minorities, adult children of aging parents, spouses/partners, as well as caregivers at differing stages in their caregiving role, and from diverse living situations, financial and educational backgrounds. PTC has been successfully conducted in Korean, Spanish and Chinese. More than half of the people who participate in the course are caring for someone with dementia.

The following are a few case studies that reflect some of the ways in which the program has had a positive impact on caregivers.

Jane: During the class, Jane went for an over-night trip for the first time in the seven years she had been caring for her husband. She experienced tremendous guilt for doing so, but the classmates encouraged her to try day respite again, and by the end of the 6-week class, she was more comfortable and able to let go of much of the guilt.

Henry: Henry came to the six-week classes after he had already placed his wife in a facility. The PTC class helped him deal with the challenges of communicating his feeling of loss to his daughters and to the facility staff. The class also encouraged him to join a men’s support group.

Penny: For a long time, Penny had a difficult relationship with her mother, so it was a shock when, one day, her mother appeared on her doorstep, asking her to be her caregiver. Despite her wonderful sense of humor, she also shared her pain. In the class that focuses on listening and learning from our emotions, Penny identified that she was isolated and depressed. Subsequently, she courageously sought treatments for her depression.

Penny also supported another participant by encouraging them to let other members of their family stay with their relative for a full weekend, to help them understand the extent of the care receiver’s decline.

A few quotes from caregivers about Powerful Tools for Caregivers:

“We are all dealing with some of the same issues. We shared our stories and learned ways to cope.”

“I hadn’t been aware of all of the organizations and people to help caregivers find answers and many solutions to their problems.”

“I have been teaching this class for nearly ten years. It never ceases to amaze me how transforming this course if—the dramatic change in the demeanor of the participants from the first to the sixth class.”

“Thank you for permission to think about me.”

Call the national office in Portland at 503-719-6980 to learn more about the program or visit the website www.powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org. You may also order copies of The Caregiver Helpbook at the website and download a free relaxation CD just for you!

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