Gov. Malloy Proposes Additional Agency Consolodations

2/1/2012 12:00:00 AM

Legislation Will Reduce the Size of Government and Improve Efficiency

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced a proposal to continue the process he began last year to downsize state government. The Governor said the state agency consolidations announced today will allow state government “to continue to get smaller, leaner, and more effective.”

“Last year we began the work of changing how the state does business—making government smaller, less costly, and easier to navigate,” said Governor Malloy. “Like companies and families across the state and the country, state government must do more with less. This session we are continuing the effort to ensure government is working as efficiently as possible.”

In his first year in office, Governor Malloy reduced state agencies by 30 percent through mergers and consolidations – going from 81 separate line-item state agencies to 59. Today’s announcement reduces that number to 52.

The Governor will submit legislation in February detailing these proposed consolidations.


The legislative session runs from February 8, 2012 through May 9, 2012. I will send out a separate e-mail with a list of important legislative dates and deadlines.

Take care,


Beth A. Leslie

Legislative and Regulations Specialist

Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities

60-B Weston Street

Hartford, CT 06120


Toll free voice/TTY 1-800-842-7303

Fax 860-566-8714

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