A Successful Event earns the Chapter $20,000

6/21/2010 12:00:00 AM

The First Annual Twilight Gala was a huge success. 121 guests came to the Hartford Marriott on January 30th to support the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, Connecticut Chapter. Through ticket sales, silent and live auction, the Chapter raised close to $20,000.

Mark the Shark, 96.5 radio personality, stood in as Master of Ceremonies and did a great job with the Live Auction. Jim Quick and Dr. David Rosenblum discussed spinal cord injury and the state of the NSCIA CT Chapter. Appreciation Awards were presented to Kenneth ‘Obie’ Harrington-Howes and Gaylord Hospital

Obie was presented with an award for the outstanding work his foundation has done for the spinal cord injury community on Connecticut. The foundation was created when his community came together and honored him by forming the foundation that has dedicated itself to improving the lives of individuals with spinal cord injuries. Since then the foundation has given thousands of dollars in grant money to individuals with a spinal cord injury to purchase ramps, wheelchairs, home modifications, computers, vans and other assistive technology to lead an independent lifestyle.

Gaylord Rehabilitation Hospital in Wallingford has supported the NSCI CT Chapter since the inception of the chapter in 1978. The hospital has provided office and meeting space for the organization to conduct its daily operations. Gaylord provides acute rehab for individuals who have suffered a spinal cord injury. The staff is very knowledgeable on all aspects of recovery, both emotional and physical, from spinal cord injury.

Special thanks to all the sponsors (a complete list of the sponsors is provided later in the newsletter) for their support of the event. Also special thanks to Candy Iannucci-Guay and the entire Marriott staff for the outstanding support they gave the night of the event. Also the Board of Directors would like to thank the committee members for all the work and taking on such a wonderful project.

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The Mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal Association, is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

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