People With Disabilities Can Work - It’s the law!

5/20/2009 12:00:00 AM

Connecticut now offers a public vocational rehabilitation program that helps people with disabilities go back to work.

As a result of the Rehabilitation Act, which was founded on the belief that all individuals with disabilities can work, the State of Connecticut through the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) created this public vocational rehabilitation program to assist individuals with significant disabilities to prepare for, find and keep good jobs.

The first step is to apply and work with a vocational rehabilitation counselor to determine eligibility.

Some examinations and tests may be required but BRS can pay. Then, an Employment Plan is developed which identifies a job goal and the services need to achieve it such as job training or job coaching. BRS may pay for some of the services. It also spells out the responsibilities of the individual and BRS.

The final goal of the BRS program is employment. Generally, BRS will work with individuals until they have been placed or retained on a job and all services have been completed.

For more information, please call BRS 800.537.2549.

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