And the Winners Are...

5/8/2009 12:00:00 AM

This years Dr. Philip B. Arnold Award and President’s Awards were given to Caitlin DePalma and Erin Prastine, respectfully. Caitlin is our Chapter Secretary and a Therapist in the wheelchair clinic at Gaylord Hospital. She has been a Board Member for almost ten years and is a priceless asset to the Board. Caitlin continues to oversee the responsibilities and functions of the Board as well as bring new information and fresh ideas from the Therapeutic end of the spectrum to us. Caitlin certainly earned the Dr. Arnold Award.

Erin is a Therapist at Gaylord Hospital and joined our Board of Directors three years ago. In that short time she has helped start a monthly support group which has continued to grow in attendants and the Stop Trauma program with the implementation of “Think First.” This nationally recognized program educates school aged children on prevention of SCI, such as drinking and driving. Erin has proven herself more then worthy of the President’s Award.

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