Attorneys That Can Help

5/8/2009 12:00:00 AM

I wanted to share some important information with the members of the NSCIA.

I have been working with Attorneys Don Papcsy and Chris Antoci at the law firm Papcsy Janosov, LLC - on a personal level. (Chris and his father, Dr. Joseph Antoci, (Urologist) have been involved with the NSCIA for many years now). In the little time that I have known them, I have really learned to trust them and feel confident in their capabilities.

The most important fact that I have learned is that in Connecticut a person only has TWO YEARS to file a claim when it comes to personal injury lawsuits! (Pass that tidbit on!) As all of you with SCI know – two years is nothing when you are in the mix of emotional turmoil and worry of trying to "get better".

These guys are great and a gift to your worries. So don’t look any more because they will help you in ways you won''t even be able to appreciate until much later! (And they have an entire firm that deals with any type of case so call them before you go elsewhere.)

As an added bonus they have offered free initial consultations and reduced legal fees to all of our members! I encourage you to call them, you won’t be sorry. Here is the firm’s contact information:

Papcsy Janosov, LLC
Attention: Attorney Christopher S. Antoci
154 East Avenue, 2nd Floor
Norwalk, CT
(203) 642-3888

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