$5.1 Million Grant to Bring Together Employers, People with Disabilities

11/29/2006 12:00:00 AM

Governor M. Jodi Rell said today that a newly-awarded $5.1 million federal grant will help Connecticut boost employment opportunities for citizens with disabilities, an initiative the Governor called important not only on human terms but for the state’s economic future.

Governor Rell said the 2007 “Medicaid infrastructure” grant is aimed at tapping the full employment potential of Connecticut residents who have a physical or mental disability, while reducing costs in the Medicaid health care program. In the process, the state’s labor pool will be expanded for employers who need skilled, reliable workers.

“As many employers already know, people with disabilities can be among the most valued workers in a company or organization when given the chance to put their skills to good use,” the Governor said. “The challenge is to overcome the barriers that stop many people from getting there in the first place.

“We have already made tremendous progress in areas like personal care assistance and letting people keep Medicaid coverage on a sliding fee scale while they earn up to $75,000 a year,” the Governor said. “The next step will be looking at how Connecticut can foster a job market that is more inclusive than our current environment—one that brings together more people with disabilities and employers in mutually beneficial ways.”

Authorized under the federal Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, the $5.1 million Medicaid Infrastructure Grant was awarded to Connecticut by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The state Department of Social Services (DSS) has been administering the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant program since 2001 but, until now, has focused mainly on helping working people with disabilities with access to health care and personal care assistance. The new grant results from a year-long public planning effort that will guide the agency in tackling employment issues from a much broader perspective.

The plan encompasses both state and community-level initiatives, and seeks to increase the employment rate and earnings of Connecticut citizens with disabilities.

Besides employers, the state’s effort will focus on young adults moving from school to post-secondary education or employment, raising the career potential of people with disabilities who are already working, and helping people overcome barriers to get started in the job market.

The federal grant will fund a variety of measures, including:

• public outreach campaign to attract employers;

• central databank about available employees;

• employer support services;

• transportation initiatives;

• peer mentoring;

• community-based pilot, or ‘demonstration, projects to increase employment;

• work opportunities for students with disabilities; and

• independent living assistance.

Connecticut’s successful application was prepared by the DSS Bureau of Rehabilitation Services. With 16 offices statewide, the bureau offers job training and individualized services tailored to meet the unique needs of job-seekers with disabilities. The Connect-to-Work Center supports these services with benefits counseling, outreach and training for people who are trying to return to work or advance their careers.

The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services can be reached at 800-537-2549; 860-424-4839 (TDD/TTY); or www.brs.state.ct.us/index.html. The Connect-to-Work Center can be directly contacted at 800-773-4636; 860-424-4839 (TDD/TTY); or www.brs.state.ct.us/ConnectToWork.htm.

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