Representatives Widlitz and Panaroni Support Tougher Penalties for Handicapped Parking Abuses

8/25/2006 12:00:00 AM

State Representative Patricia Widlitz (D-Branford, Guilford) testified before the Transportation Committee in support of four proposed bills that address the abuse of designated handicapped parking spaces and handicapped parking permits. Rep. Widlitz co-introduced these bills with State Representative Peter Panaroni (D-Branford) who sits on the Transportation Committee. Rep. Widlitz also submitted testimony for Leesa Luna, a constituent of the 98th District, who relies on the availability of handicapped parking.

"Leesa Luna is an activist not only for herself, but also for many who do not have her stamina and determination to stand up for their rights," said Rep. Widlitz. "For them, this is not a philosophical discussion- it is a struggle to survive independently."

"I think the time has come to clamp down on people abusing handicapped parking spaces," said Rep. Panaroni. "All too often we see healthy young kids parking in these spaces leaving the people who need them high and dry."

The bills specify the following:

House Bill 6471 would require the Department of Motor Vehicles handicapped parking permits to contain the signature of the cardholder.

House Bill 5229 would require the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to affix a photograph of the permit holder to each handicapped parking permit issued.

House Bill 6473 would increase the fine for parking in a handicapped space to a minimum of one hundred dollars for a first offense versus the current fine of eighty-five dollars.

House Bill 6472 would increase the penalty for parking in a handicapped space to two hundred fifty dollars for a second offense and to a thirty day license suspension for a third offense.

Together, these bills aim to identify those who illegally use handicapped parking permits, as well as giving existing laws more "teeth."

Rep. Panaroni stated, "I believe that municipalities should impose higher fines and be given local control of the money collected from these fines. This would provide an incentive to law enforcement to crack down on illegal parking."

Rep. Widlitz witnessed firsthand an occurrence of illegal parking with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-3rd) and Ms. Luna.

"Ironically, as we were discussing the abuse of handicapped parking permits, right in front of us a young man illegally parked in a designated handicapped parking place and bolted out of his car on his way to the market," said Rep. Widlitz. "When he was confronted, he was rude and didn''t even apologize. Congresswoman DeLauro and I had a crystal clear example of how insensitive people can be."

Leesa Luna requires a wheelchair for mobility. She has been an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities for many years, and has been working on these issues with Rep. Widlitz. "I live alone. I need to be able to park in the specially designated handicapped parking spaces so I can shop for food and for other necessities," said Ms. Luna. "When the designated spaces are not available, I cannot get out of my van. I cannot eat or work or complete tasks necessary for life. I do not want to be forced into assisted living or other less independent situations than I am in now."

Representative Widlitz resides in Branford and represents the 98th District in the Connecticut General Assembly.

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