The Bill (0934) will authorize and fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research and is currently out of committees and is on the Senate Calendar. This means it can be brought up at anytime once the Senate meetings start early next week (to date they have been in committee meetings etc etc).
As I understand it, the funding for the bill, assuming it passes both houses, will be determined in conjunction with the funding that is proposed in the state budget that is also being finalized. The highest number heard to date for the Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill is $ 20,000,000 / year for 5 years or $ 100,000,000 in total. That number could change significantly.
As before, the bill is favored by both the governor and the leaders of both houses. But it is critical that the bill is brought before each of the houses before the session ends in mid-June or the bill dies.
It is NOW timely to contact both your representative and senator and strongly urge that they do what they can to be sure that this bill be heard by the Senate at the earliest possible time. The bill will then be forwarded to the House of Representatives.
Use if necessary to find your senator or representative.
Also, and maybe more effective at this time is to call each of the following legislative people who are responsible for moving this bill to the senate floor. (You probably will have to ask their aid to communicate to the Senator that you want to see this bill moved to the Senate for debate.) A phone call will be most effective (or an e-mail):