NSCIA CT Chapter Advocacy Report: Work Incentives

5/20/2009 12:00:00 AM

Beginning October 1, 2001, people with disabilities in Connecticut can earn up to $75,000/year and continue to have their medical and personal assistance services paid by Medicaid.

This program, known as the Medicaid for the Employed disabled Program (MED), enables most people with disabilities to secure and retain jobs without the risk of losing health coverage through Medicaid. Until recently, this risk had been one of the major disincentives toward employment for people with significant disabilities.

The federal Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 authorized the MED program. Its implementation in Connecticut is via Public Act 00-213: Work Incentives for People with Disabilities. This piece of legislation was a culmination of intense advocacy on the part of many people, including some members of the NSCIA-CT Chapter.

Highlights of MED:


Up to 75,000/year (Spouses income is not considered.)


The applicant must be engaged in reasonable work effort at the time of application.


The applicant must have a disabling impairment as defined in the Social Security Act. For persons found ineligible for Social Security Disability Benefits, the Department of Social Services will determine if the individual is working despite a disabling impairment.


Liquid assets may not exceed $10,000 ($15,000 for a couple.) Monies held in retirement accounts, medical savings accounts and accounts for disability-related expenses may also be excluded.

Personal Assistance

Individuals in need of personal care assistance, whom would qualify for the PCA waiver except for income or assets, would be able to receive PCA waiver services based on eligibility through the MED program.

Loss of employment

People may continue eligibility for up to one year if the loss of employment was due to a health crisis or involuntary dismissal, and the individual intends to return to work or is looking for new employment.

To learn more about the MED program, please call the department of Social Services office nearest your home.

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