3/14/2008 12:00:00 AM

Don''t miss out! Every other Sunday beginning March 23rd - THE FREEDOM TO TRAVEL RADIO SHOW - will be airing live on BBS Radio.

This program highlights and interviews interesting people and topics around anything that has to do with a disability.

Why is the name the "Freedom to Travel Radio Show", you ask? Because the host of the television series is also the host of the radio show! The difference?Instead of traveling to a specific destination that is accessible (like the television series show), we are traveling deep into our hearts to enhance our love, connection and understanding of one another. Journeying into a heightened awareness and new perspective or outlook on issues of disabilities, if you will!

Again, you won''t want to miss out on this voyage! Get involved or just listen in on - station two - 6:55 PM Eastern time, Sunday''s every other week beginning March 23rd, 2008! (Go to that site and see the next guest and listen to our archives!)

You can find more information on the show at, website and bon voyage!

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The Mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal Association, is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

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