AHOY, MATES! Sail CT Access Program's New Dimensions

6/9/2005 12:00:00 AM

Thanks to a lot of hard working volunteers and generous people, the Sail Connecticut Access Program (SCA) is expanding to offer new dimensions in sailing opportunities.

The Board of Directors and volunteers have been very busy over the winter to improve the operation and enhance the quality of the program.

The Sailing Feet: Independence and Seas The Day are both specially equipped 20-foot-long sail boats which are superbly adapted for disabled sailing, and allow sailors to steer and handle sails in a hands-on way. SCA continues to adapt these boats to serve the needs of members, and they are fast, stable, safe boats which provide an exciting sailing adventure.

Shazam is the 23-foot Pearson Ensign, which was given to SCA the late Al Shuskus of West Hartford. The boat is a proven design, stable and safe and very fast. SCA continues to modify Shazam to meet the needs of its disabled members.

The three-boat fleet is in the water and hope to get the program going by the first week in June.

SCA operates at the South Yard of Brewer’s Pilot Point Marina, at the head of N&O Docks. The marina entrance is located on Route 1 in Westbrook.

This year, SCA anticipates the sailing operations to take place according to the following schedule: Monday and Tuesday – no sailing operations; Wednesday and Thursday – sailing from 10:00am until 8:00pm; Friday – sailing from 9:00am until 5:00pm; Saturday and Sunday – sailing from 10:00am until 4:00pm.

The most popular events for the SCA are the Member Sailing Days. On four Saturdays throughout the summer, members are cordially invited to come down to Pilot’s Point Marina and go sailing. Inevitably, an impromptu party forms up at the head of the dock, and sailing instructors and volunteer skippers and mates will keep the boats busy, taking everybody out for a sail.

With three boats in action, SCA should be able to get most of you out on the water at least once during the day. Be sure to bring a jacket or sweater in cane the weather gets cool or changes, and always bring sunscreen. It gets bright and sometimes very hot.

To reach the Sail Connecticut Access Program, please call 860.664.9395.

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